Video Surveillance - a Video by Blaise Tobia from 1975-76, featuring yours truly
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 4:39PM

You've all been aware of the Wikileaks findings - WikiLeaks says the CIA can use your TV to spy on you. (from The Guardian, March 7, 2017).  Virginia Maksymowicz and Blaise Tobia recently posted a video that Blaise had made back in 1976, with footage from 1975 of me talking and having electronic music playing in the background, showing that we were all not only aware of this 42 years ago, but also discussing the means by which it occurs.  Featuring Aardvarks IV, my electronic music composing machine, as the "box with lots of shiny knobs" that we were going to package the devices in.  Here's the video:

A nice hit of nostalgia seeing this old video.  And how lucky we are to be able to have lived long enough to see the predictions made by us way back then come (sort of) true.  Enjoy!

Article originally appeared on WARREN BURT (
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