As part of the weekend of performances, "The Secret Life of Cecil," given at Cecil St Studios in Fitzroy, Melbourne, on Dec 8-9, 2018, Peter Fraser and I did a performance, "Sounds of Cecil St" which revealed some of the sonic history of Cecil St dance studio. Originally built in the early 1950s, as a factory for making sporting goods and clothing, it morphed into a dance studio and community arts centre in 1997-98. The performance involved Peter performing on his sewing machine, and me performing sounds of the building recorded and placed on an iPad using Launchpad software. Additionally, we both performed sound-oriented movement activities. The video is by Catherine Schieve. Cecil St Studio is now being sold and redeveloped into inner-city condos. Considering the overheated state of the Fitzroy real estate market, it's probably a miracle it survived as a studio for 21 years. But all good things must come to an end, so for one magical weekend, many of the artists involved with Cecil St gave celebratory performances, ours among them.