Kraig Grady and Terumi Narushima are reviving Xenharmonikon, an informal journal of microtonality, now on the web. I have an article in it, which describes Antonio Tuzzi's and Andrew Belt's modules for making microtonal control possible in the free VCV Rack environment. You can download the article HERE.
Also, in the current issue of, I have 2 articles, reviewing three new softwares.
First, in Music for Tablets, there is a review of Beatformer, a sound-shaping program, and Fingerlab's SK-51, an emulation of the old Casio SK1 and SK5 microsamplers from the 80s.
Then there's a review of Pendle Poucher's new amazing sample set, Cloud Viola 2. The central portion of this instrument is the sound of a viola bowed by 10 meters of green garden twine. Quite a wonderfully rough sound, that is further roughened by granulation and extensive reverberation. It has to be heard to be believed. Here's my review: