From 2007 until 2023, I wrote regular articles, reviews, essays for Wusiksound Magazine (2007-2009) and its successor, Soundbytes Music Magazine (2011-2023). In 2023 Soundbytes Music Magazine ceased publishing and its website disappeared from the web. Musiksound Magazine is still archived in a couple of places on the web, but access is difficult. So in June 2024, I gathered all the articles I wrote for both magazines, converted them all to pdf, and collected them into the zip file you can download for free from here:
I hope you find something of use in this collection. There are software reviews, book reviews, interviews, and a bunch of other stuff. Even the reviews of obsolete software usually have something interesting to offer, I found in going through the collection. All the URLs in the articles are unchanged. This means most of them, especially those referring to Soundbytes articles, will not work. But the content of the articles is still there, so there should be something of use here. Enjoy!