
Three new reviews in Soundbytesmag.net

The latest issue of www.soundbytesmag.net is now online, and I have three reviews in it.

First up, in the Music for Tablets column, reviews of Elastic FX and Objeq, two new effects units that will enable you to change your sounds in unique and unusual ways.


Then there's a review of UVI's new VERY impressive "Augmented Piano" sound set.


And finally, a review of Ample Sound's gorgeous sounding 12-string guitar sample based instrument.


I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed playing with the software to write these reviews!


Memento Memori: A Malaysian Circus on The Garden of Evening Mists at La Mama Courthouse Carlton Monday May 21


Mike Cooper and Warren Burt, April 23, 2018, Two Duets

Mike Cooper, guitarist and electronicist extraordinaire, did a Departmental Forum at Box Hill Institute on April 23, 2018.  While he was doing it, he asked me to come up and do a couple of short duets with him.  I noticed that Mike and I were using some of the same apps, and this got my "duet juices" flowing, in making some live electronic fun with him.  I liked them, and Mike liked them as well, so here they are.  Hope you enjoy them as well.



Arturia CMI V and Semantic Danielou - two new reviews in soundbytesmag.net

The new soundbytesmag.net is out, and I have two reviews in it. 

First a review of Arturia's recreation of the Fairlight CMI, the CMI V:


And then, a review of the "Freebie-of-the-Month," Semantic Danielou - a free microtonal program which allows you to perform in Just Intonation in about 72 different scales:




Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music - preprint of WB chapter here

The Oxford Handbook of Algorithmic Music, edited by Roger Dean and Alex McLean, is out and available now.  As a teaser, you can download my chapter "Thoughts on An Algorithmic Practice" here: 


It's a great collection, with lots of interesting essays.  If you are at all associated with a library, you should get your library to order it (like all academic publications, it's 'spensive), and enjoy it in it's full.