March 2016 articles

The March 2016 issue of is out now ( and I have three new articles in it.
First of all, in my "Music on Tablets" column, I have a review of Alexander Randon's very fun new app, "Fugue Machine." I'm having a lot of fun with this program.
Then there's an interview with Phil Burk, one of the leading developers of new tools for music technology. Phil is currently working for Google, developing new audio facilities for the Android platform. There's a lot of good information here, and Phil was a real pleasure to interview.
And finally, there's an article about how to use the microtonal facilities in UVI's new Falcon sampler/synthesizer. These facilities are quite comprehensive and versatile, and allow for some very pleasant surprises and mistakes, as well as working quite efficiently in "correct" mode. If you're into microtonality, this is well worth a look.