
Concert at EMF Studios New York - Dec 20, 2010

Monday, Dec 20, I gave a small concert at the new Electronic Music Foundation studios in New York.  Organized by Joel Chadabe, it was a lot of fun. Thanks Joel and all the EMF staff and thanks to Joel for recording the gig!  A full house of about 30 attended.  Here's the concert for your listening pleasure.  The piece is about 45:20 long.  It was made with by alternating performances on my netbook controlled by a keyboard and a box-o-sliders with performances on my iPhone processed through the Korg Mini-KP effects unit.  Lots of quotes, lots of found objects, and it has a nice sort of arc to it.  If you want a copy of the file, go to  In Google Chrome, at any rate, a player will come up, and if you right click on the player, you can download the file.  Happy Holly Daze.  



Subharmonics and Srutis - Live, 12 November 2010

Last Friday, Catherine and I performed our new collaborative piece "Subharmonics and Srutis" for the Dream Stream Festival, part of Ione's 15 Annual Dream Festival, from the Deep Listening Institute.  The performance was web-cast on Ustream, which also recorded it.  The performance is described in the blog post below, and now, here's the video.  

Ustream records from the moment you press "record" and "broadcast," and the videos can't be edited afterwards.  So, in order to avoid boredom (watching us sitting around waiting for the top of the hour), fast forward to about 4:55, our performance starts there, and goes for 19 minutes.  There are ads aplently, running across the bottom of the screen - that's the nature of Ustream.  The video is pretty low-res, but the sound is surprisingly good.  We enjoyed doing this performance, and we enjoyed seeing the recording.  We hope you enjoy it too.

And if you want to see other performances from the Dream Stream Festival, just go to

where all the performances are archived.


Live Internet Performance from Wollongong!

Warren Burt and Catherine Schieve will present "Subharmonics and Sruti Boxes" for computer
and sruti boxes (Indian drone harmoniums) live, on the internet on Friday 9 am Australian East Coast time (see below for other time zones) at
The 20 minute drone piece, streamed live, will be performed from their music room in Wollongong, and features the just intonation drones of Burt's computer (playing a sub-harmonic scale with all subharmonics based on 17) with Schieve's orchestra of 6 specially built and tuned srutis.  
The piece is presented as part of the Dream Stream Festival, October 18 - November 18, 2010, which is part of Deep Listening Institute's "Ione's 15th Annual Dream Festival."  Ione, who in addition to her work as a writer and artist, is a practicing psycho-spiritual therapist, has been researching the intersection of dreams and creativity for over 3 decades.  Every year, her Dream Festival brings together artists and performers working with and through the dream state.
The piece will be recorded, and available for future listening on the Deep Listening Foundation 
website at
Here are some times around the world when you can see the performance live:
Honolulu: Noon
Los Angeles: 2 pm
Chicago: 4 pm
New York: 5 pm
St Johns: 6:30 pm
London: 10 pm
Paris: 11 pm
THURSDAY 12 November
Moscow: 2 am
New Delhi: 3 am
Beijing: 5 am
Tokyo: 6 am
Adelaide: 8:30 am
Sydney: 9 am
Auckland 11 am
If you can, tune in, and enjoy!



Some Delightful Android Phone Apps

So Catherine got an Android Phone recently.  Today, she found some "talking" apps for it (from, which play back anything you record into them, but with the spectrum modified.  The little animated characters in the apps move and sing the modified recording back to you.  So: A quick tour of 20th century aesthetics!  Sprechstimme from Pierrot Lunaire (Schoenberg); Percussion Music (Varese, Cage); the Dies Irae (quoted by just about everyone, but most recently (to my knowledge) used by Kenneth Gaburo as the theme to his 1987 Mangrove); the Ursonate (Schwitters); and Extended Vocal Techniques (as used by so many of us).  And all this in 1 minute!  Enjoy.


An Essay about Kenneth Gaburo from June

I haven't been posting for the past few months.  There's a lot to report, and I'll try to get some of the things on the website over the next few weeks.  

Last June 22, I was part of a symposium on the work of Kenneth Gaburo at Issue Project Room in Brooklyn.  Chris Mann, David Dunn and Larry Polansky were there in person, I was there via Skype.  As a preparation for that discussion, I wrote a little essay about Kenneth's ideas which I sent to all the participants beforehand.  Now, in October, on re-reading it, I think it might be interesting enough to share with people, and so you can download it here.