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Radio Music - August-October

In August and September I was invited on to two local community radio stations to perform music and talk.  First, in August, was a program on 3MBS-FM, where John McCaughey, Robin Fox, Eugene Ughetti and myself discussed the late Music Department of La Trobe University (1975-1999).  As part of that, Robin and I played pieces of ours, and John presented a tape of the Astra Choir.  Then in early October, I was invited by Michael Smith to play and talk on his radio show on 3CR.
On the 3MBS show, I played 2 new pieces, "Flaming Yellow Shirts with Red Polka Dots is the new Black - Melbourne Fashion Police Take Note!" which used the Jasuto softsynth on my Android Tablet feeding into my netbook running AudioMulch and GRM Tools software.  "Hand Held Hong Kong Hero" which used the LAS9 sample player on my Android Tablet going thorugh other GRM Tools plugins was the other piece. This used vastly stretched samples of Hong Kong pop singers along with stretching and transposing of their spectra.  On 3CR, I played these 2 again, as well as a new piece "Music for an Imgainary Dance" which used AudioMulch to filter noise and make microtonal chords as well as mixing in various experiments I'd done with sampling clicks to make very active musical textures.  
Here they are:
Flaming Yellow Shirts with Red Polka Dots was recorded by Terry McDermott and produced by Penny Manwaring at 3MBS on 13 August 2012.
Music for an Imaginary Dance was recorded and produced by Michael Smith at 3CR on 3 October 2012.
Hand Held Hong Kong Hero was recorded at home by me on 6 October 2012 (it took a while to get all the kinks out of that one).
Many thanks to Penny Manwaring, Eugene Ughetti, Terry McDermott, and Michael Smith for their help and support in the making / asking for / recording of these pieces!


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