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Nightshade Etudes, Book 2, available now

Earlier this year I began working on a series of electronic etudes based on the use of DNA patterns from the Solanum family, and made the first six etudes available in a blog post about 3 items down.  Now I've finished the next six, so Nightshade Etudes Book Two is now available by clicking here.  It's a 24MB zip file, and it contains the 6 tracks totalling 18 minutes, the album cover, and some brief program notes.  Once again, it's part of a longer project which I hope to complete later this year - 4 sets of 6 etudes each, which will then become a CD.  So download away, and enjoy, especially the bit where I get to play a celesta with a capsicum (bell pepper).  Art-science music for your dining and dancing pleasure.

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