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Two neat new synthesizers: Reviews in Soundbytesmag.net

In the May issue of Soundbytesmag.net I review two very neat new synthesizers, one for the iPad and one for computers.  The iPad machine is Shoom, by Yuri Turov, and it's a very nice tri-timbral, multi-polyphonic, microtonally enabled synthesizer with a very nice performance interface.  The computer synth is called Virta, and it's by Randy Jones, of Madrona Labs in Seattle.  This is a synth that's designed to analyze sounds from the "real world" and extract control information from them and (microtonally) control a very nice collection of modules.  Both are inexpensive, both are well thought out, and both are brimming with compositional potential.  So check out the reviews here:


and here:



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