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NOW AND THEN, a 2 weekend festival of electronic music, presented by Astra

Coming up very soon, a 6 concert festival of electronic, electro-acoustic, and instrument and electronics pieces presented by ASTRA, from Friday Sept 1, through Sunday Sept 10.  Here's a schedule:

Concert 3 - six events
Friday 1 September, 8:00 pm- Church of All Nations, cnr. Palmerston & Drummond Streets, Carlton
Sunday 3 September, 5:00 pm - Church of All Nations, cnr. Palmerston & Drummond Streets, Carlton
Saturday 9 September, 3:00 pm - Eleventh Hour Theatre, 170 Leicester Street, Fitzroy
Saturday 9 September, 5:00 pm - Eleventh Hour Theatre, 170 Leicester Street, Fitzroy
Saturday 9 September, 8:00 pm - Eleventh Hour Theatre, 170 Leicester Street, Fitzroy
Sunday 10 September, 5:00 pm - Church of All Nations, cnr. Palmerston & Drummond Streets, Carlton
A full rundown of events at astramusic.org.au.

Some points of interest - Fri Sept 1 - Simone de Haan plays WB's "Responses and Compressions" for Trombone and Cassette - first performance in about 30 years!

Saturday 9 September - 3 pm - classic fixed media pieces including "Harbour Symphony" by Catherine Schieve, recorded in 2006 in St John's Harbour, Newfoundland.

Saturday 9 September - 5 pm - new pieces by former composition students at Box Hill Institute.  I've heard them all, and they're all really interesting.  Congratulations, guys!

Saturday 9 September - 8 pm - premier of the full 8 channel version of WB's "Mosaics and Transparencies" for multiple recordings, live mixed and diffused.

I hope to see some of you at some of these events.  I think it will be a blast.

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